Personal Experience
I LiveStreamed my Badminton Training

It took two weeks of trying (first week was a no go due to technical issues with my Youtube account) but I finally managed to livestream my training session! It was unfortunate that it wasn’t nearly my best training session…
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A New Badminton Blog (and an Interview of Yours Truly)

A lot of badminton blogs have fallen to the wayside (I think all the blogs from my 2019 list are dead now, including the Adcocks website which seems to be totally down (did someone forget to pay the bill?) But…
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Badminton Mixed Doubles Training!
Setting Badminton Goals
It’s my birthday! Gonna play Badminton!
Badminton Front Court Players
Me and My Chinese Badminton Coach at it Again

So this week’s video is the vloggiest of vlogs. I didn’t really have any plan or idea of what I was gonna film, but there is always fun stuff to be found in a night. And fun badminton to be…
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My Badminton Shame

I always promised to be honest with my videos and never try to make myself look cooler with editing or telling fake story. This week you get my shame AND super ugly out of control sweaty hair. Double embarrassment for…
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Think You Could Beat These Little Kids?!

So, while we aren’t under lock down anymore, classes are still being done online. Younger students have less hours than normal, so there is a group of kids who have been taking advantage of less class time with more badminton…
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