More Getting Yelled at by my Coach

According to my Youtube analytics, my first video where my coach yells at me got a lot of views. It’s my 6th most popular video in fact! My coach yells at me all the time, so why not do another?…
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An American Girl Learning Badminton in China
According to my Youtube analytics, my first video where my coach yells at me got a lot of views. It’s my 6th most popular video in fact! My coach yells at me all the time, so why not do another?…
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So my health is really slow to recover and on Wednesday the doctor told me I could do some light walking but shouldn’t play badminton. So….I went to a badminton competition! This is the Local Women’s Competition I have played…
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If you are a long time reader of my blog, you’ll know I hate playing at my school. That’s because despite having very nice, free courts for regular use, the only people that play there are teachers. And I have…
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I was soooo close to her and sooooooo close to getting my picture with her when she was whisked away by security and protected so I didn’t actually get to meet her, but it was awesome that she came. Hong…
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Here is the exciting conclusion to the National Fitness Competition! I really like getting to the second day of a two day competition. There are less people and the higher level people tend to be the same,…
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I’m gonna come off as sounding like a dick in this post, but this is how I’ve been feeling lately. I’m unsatisfied with playing recently. Not with MY playing, I’ve been doing okay these days, but with everyone else. I’m…
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So I made it to the semi-finals and got fifth place in a major (for me) competition! I’m kinda freaking out here!! This is the competition I played, and lost, with my Malaysian friend Steph one year ago. It’s a…
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I have more than 30 blog posts I wrote but never published for some reason or another. Some are half written or just have keywords, some are finished but circumstances changed so I didn’t feel right publishing them, some are…
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A few months ago I wrote a blog post called Women of Badminton! Stop Doing This… But now I’m turning my eye towards you fellas. Why did it take me so long? Well, honestly? Guys are a little more sensitive…
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First weekend of 2018 and Azhi and I managed to win not only the game, but a team tournament! If that’s not a good omen, I don’t know what is. It wasn’t my club, but Azhi’s club. It was a…
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