Best Badminton Blogs 2018
My previous Best Badminton Blog post is one of the most popular posts. But I wrote that two years ago and the badminton blog world has changed. So I thought I would update it for the new year. The Adcocks…
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An American Girl Learning Badminton in China
My previous Best Badminton Blog post is one of the most popular posts. But I wrote that two years ago and the badminton blog world has changed. So I thought I would update it for the new year. The Adcocks…
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You may have heard of the 10,000 hour theory that Malcolm Gladwell popularized in his book Outliers. It is the idea that anyone can become a master in any discipline as long as they put in 10,000 hours. Gladwell got…
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I know what you’re thinking. “Bird by bird? Isn’t that a writing book? What does that have to do with badminton?” Yes, it IS a writing book, and it has a LOT to do with badminton. In fact, it has…
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The only thing that outshines my obsession with badminton is writing. While I have been less willing to travel (my third life obsession) for badminton, I obviously haven’t been willing to stop writing because of it. I mean, I started…
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Next weekend I have my first badminton competition (that I didn’t organize)! Woot! Woot! Ironically, one of the foreign teachers told me about it, not my badminton friends. He had a local friend who told him of the local “international…
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In the world of blogging, badminton blogs are few and far between. Many are just review blogs (for rackets mostly) or have been defunct for year. I guess following stereotypes, jocks tend to not be writers? Or maybe there isn’t…
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