I was featured in a new badminton website about being OBSESSED with badminton. They sent me the questions, and I remember answering them via e-mail, but then I got sick and was in the hospital and was ending my semester and I totally forgot all about it.
Then someone passed me a link on facebook and I realized the article came out weeks ago but I hadn’t seen it. (Click here to read it.) I think they did a great job turning my e-mail answers into a more dynamic interview style article, and I feel the other articles are well written as well. I had actually already shared an article from them on facebook before I realized I knew them and I was also on their website!
So it’s a new website but so far I like what they have done and I’m looking forward to their future articles. It’s always good when more people come out with more badminton stuff so make sure to bookmark the website and check back for regular news of the badminton world.